Email: ana.miller-ter-kuile [at] nau [dot] edu

I am an ecologist who works at the intersection of quantitative, community, and applied ecology.

I am an assistant research professor at Northern Arizona University. I work primarily with the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. I currently apply Bayesian statistical and process models to understand the population and community responses of wildlife to forest management and restoration.

I received my PhD at UC Santa Barbara in 2021, where I explored the effects of species traits on trophic dynamics and the interactions between native and invasive species in shaping community structure and ecosystem functioning. I worked in field settings and developed methods in diet DNA metabarcoding for understanding species interactions.


  1. Miller-ter Kuile, A., K. Ogle, C. Cavanaugh, J. Dudley, A. Markus, V. Saab, M. Wright, J. Sanderlin. (2023) Forest management, forest vegetation, and climate influence nesting ecology of a focal bird species in the western USA. Forest Ecology and Management PDF

Data and code

  1. Miller-ter Kuile, A., A. Apigo, A. Bui, K. Butner, J. Childress, S. Copeland, B. DiFiore, E. Forbes, M. Klope, C. Motta, D. Orr, K. Plummer, D. Preston, H. Young. (2022) Changes in invertebrate food web structure between high- and low-productivity environments are driven by intermediate but not top predator diet shifts. Biology Letters PDF

Data and code

  1. Miller-ter Kuile, A., A. Apigo, A. Bui, B. DiFiore, E. S. Forbes, M. Lee, D. Orr, D. L. Preston, R. Behm, T. Bogar, J. Childress, R. Dirzo, M. Klope, K. D. Lafferty, J. McLaughlin, M. Morse, C. Motta, K. Park, K. Plummer, D. Weber, R. Young, H. Young. (2022) Predator–prey interactions of terrestrial invertebrates are determined by predator body size and species identity. Ecology PDF

Data and code

  1. Preston, D., E. Crone, A. Miller-ter Kuile, C. Lewis, E. Sauer, D. Trovillion. (2021) Nonnative freshwater snails: a synthesis of invasion status, mechanisms of introduction, and ecological roles. Freshwater Biology PDF

  1. Parsons, J. D. Orr, C. Motta, G. Sehgal, A. Miller-ter Kuile, H. Young. (2021) The effects of climate and grazing on oak seedling germination and survival in a California oak woodland. Forest Ecology and Management PDF

  1. Miller-ter Kuile, A., A. Apigo, H. Young. (2021) Effects of surface sterilization on diet DNA metabarcoding data of invertebrate consumers in mesocosms and natural environments. Ecology and Evolution PDF

Data and code

  1. Miller-ter Kuile A., D. Orr, A. Bui, R. Dirzo, M. Klope, D. McCauley, C. Motta, H. Young (2020) Impacts of rodent eradication on seed predation and plant community biomass on a tropical atoll. Biotropica PDF

Data and code

Media Coverage

  1. Lafferty, K., J. McLaughlin, D. Gruner, T. Bogar, A. Bui, J. Childress, M. Espinoza, E. Forbes, C. Johnston, M. Klope, A. Miller-ter Kuile, M. Lee, K. Plummer, D. Weber, R. Young, H. Young. (2018) Local extinction of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) following rat eradication on Palmyra Atoll. Biology Letters PDF

  1. Hardesty-Moore, M, S. Deinet, R. Freeman, G. Titcomb, E. Dillon, K. Stears, M. Klope, A. Bui, D. Orr, H. Young, A. Miller-ter Kuile, L. Hughey, D. McCauley. (2018) Migration in the Anthropocene: how collective navigation, environmental system, and taxonomy shape the vulnerability of migratory species. Phil. Trans. B: Biological Sciences PDF

  1. Nigro, K., S. Hathaway, A. Wegmann, A. Miller-ter Kuile, R. Fisher, H. Young. (2017) Stable isotope analysis as an early monitoring tool for community-scale effects of rat eradication. Restoration Ecology. PDF

  1. Young, H., A. Miller-ter Kuile, D. McCauley, R. Dirzo. (2017) Cascading community and ecosystem consequences of introduced palms in tropical islands. Canadian Journal of Zoology PDF

  1. Young, H., D. McCauley, R. Dunbar, M. Hutson, A. Miller-ter Kuile, R. Dirzo. (2013) The roles of productivity and ecosystem size in determining food chain length in tropical Pacific islets. Ecology PDF